
Friday, July 25, 2014

Treatment for Blurred Vision

Is reading fine prints, recognizing faces or objects from far away, or other tasks that require your visual focus getting tougher? Those difficulties are the hallmarks of blurred vision. One of the most common symptoms of different visual impairments, blurred vision can be corrected in a number of ways:

Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses
Custom-fitted optical devices are typically prescribed for refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. These corrective prescription lenses can restore 20/20 vision in some. In others, however, the degree of correction is limited to what is known as “best corrected visual acuity” (BCVA). People can wear either eyeglasses or contact lenses, or use both alternatingly, based on preference and convenience.

For those with eye ailments and other conditions, prescription medications may be necessary to get rid of blurry visions. Eye drops can be given to lubricate chronic dry eyes, and to lower the intraocular pressure in some forms of glaucoma. Individuals with high blood sugar, migraines, and other disorders that cause blurred vision may need special orally taken medications.

Several eye conditions can be treated with surgery. Laser surgery can be used to correct refractive errors (LASIK corrects the abnormal shape of the cornea) and glaucoma (surgery decreases the production of intraocular fluid, or promotes its drainage). Other surgery types target specific conditions, such as the removal of cataracts.

If blurred vision is experienced, an ophthalmologist should be consulted for a proper examination and diagnosis, from which the appropriate solution will be determined.

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